Friday 12 December 2008

editing day 2

today we had to finish the practise clip, change it to a quick time video and also upload it on to the blog.
as there were issues with the grouping we stuck to the group we started editing with, i thought the last shot of the gun was very good, also the over the shoulder shot were very good, however some of the shots which were not in the final cut like the high angle shot were quite shaky so that's a reason why they were not put in. some of the shot didn't work so didn't end up in the final cut and for this reason it is quite short. as the group had re-shoot some of their footage they didnt have enough time to get alot of clips.
the editing was quite hard at some times when we were trying to get 2 different shots to flow well as they were from two different camera shots. i also as we were new to using the apple mac software it was difficult to get use to. i think the continuity did work at some parts like when they are playing cards and then goes to the over the shoulder shots. however when it came to the before the male character gets out the gun we needed a shot which showed him losing the game unfortunately we didn't have a suitable shot to show this. i think the beginning part of the clip made sense unfortunately not having the appropriate shots made it difficult for us to show why he is getting the gun out, the reason was because he has lost. we also added a drone through out the clip and also some high pitched eerie violin playing. choosing and finding these were quite hard because there was alot of options to choose from i think the mise-en-scene can create suspense. the gun used creates suspense because as it at the end of the short scene, the audience don't whether he has shot or not. and also by not having any sound at the of the shot also creates suspense as the audience don't know whats going to happen. i think also the music may have helped to make the suspense as there was a drone playing through out and also violins playing with some high pitched moments.
I think there were some conventions of a thriller used for example, the over the shoulder shots, the shot of the gun which is coming from a point of view. The music also used followed some of the conventions of a thriller as there was a drone played, in most thrillers there are drones played to create the suspense.
I think if there was more shots available the clip would have come out very well, as we never had that it shows that we need for our actual thriller a lot more footage from different angles. I also think while editing others should put their input into the final editing. my resoponse to the final cut is that we could of created more suspense if there was more footage and i think that was the main problem.
this practise will help my group with the actuall thriller as we now know what to do properly and us the editing software.

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