Tuesday 20 January 2009

In today's lesson, we finished editing our short practice film - as well as Nasima and I spending our lunch time working on it. We edited all of our clips together, and tried to make them match up and flow as smoothly as possible - something which I hoped we've achieved. We also added sound from Soundtrack Pro - however, we didn't get to finish it during the lesson, and we had to upload it on to the blog - which is the reason for the sound only having one guitar piece. Also, whilst watching it back, Nasima and I spotted a few mistakes that we made, and noted them down, to be sure we wouldn't make them during our Thriller.

. You can not see Lisa through the window in shot 4
. Nasima has changed position from shot 7 and shot 8
. The school pass tag suddenly disappears through shots 7 and shot 8
. In the last two shots, Lisa's hand changes position (from between her legs to on top of her thighs)

Fliming was fun, though difficult because none of us had any acting experience, the story line was boring, to be honest, and we kept laughing because filming in the open cafeteria made us very uncomfortable.
I've learnt a lot between flming the first practice film and this one. I really wasn't happy with our first practice film - mainly because I wasn't there when them filmed it, and just had to join in with a random group and help put their together. In filming this, mainly from our mistakes, I learnt that you have to pay attention to every detail in the mise-en-scene, because having little mistakes like we did are really noticable, and make the film look really mediocre.

I feel that we followed the conventions of real films - such as having a Point of View shot when looking at the clock, and
We used natural lighting (which at one point changed to a yellow light, as the cafeteria lights were turned on by a member of staff - which was out of our control), and we also used a typical college setting, as we were only allowed to film inside of the college. Also, it made the film more convincing, because the cafeteria is a place where a lot of friends meet up to talk as it is so accessable.

I'm quite happy with how the film turned out, as we included the three elements that we were supposed to, and managed to have a good match up and a good flow between shots. The music could have been improved, but we ran out of time before we could finish. I hope our Thriller is going to be a lot better, however, as we plan to have a lot more editing to make it more interesting to watch.

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