Friday 6 February 2009

Filming The Thriller Day 4

This has really not been a good week.

Due to the snow resulting in the college being closed, we missed out on Tuesday's lesson, which ate into our filming time. And today, when Nasima and I (Layla wasn't in) tried to film during lesson, it was impossible as we were filming outside and it started raining. We're really running out of time, and i'm worried that we wont be able to finish our thriller - we haven't even started editing yet. Until the deadline, i'm going to be spending most lunch times in the editing suite working on it to try and make it the best we can. We still need to do a bit more filming as well. Due to the weather, i'm going to try and shoot the last 3 shots myself over the weekend (it is only my hand and a birds eye view shot, so two/three people are not really essential). Only there's a problem. We tried to book a camera for the weekend, yet they were all already booked, so i'm going to try and use a home camera and hope that the shots will be in the right format to put onto the college computers. If not, then I really don't know what we're going to do.

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