Friday 30 January 2009

Filming The Thriller Day 2

Today Nasima, Layla and I shot the last of the devil research scenes. We had to change location due to the room we used previously being occupied, however, it was all close up shots, so that wasn't really a problem. We did have one problem with the pen running out of ink, and so having to change to a felt tip that was completely different, but it couldn't really be helped. The room we were using today was in demand by another group, so we had to hurry and didn't have time to re-shoot the other scenes we did with the first pen. However, as the shots are not consecutive - there will be other shots in between, we don't really think it should be a problem.

The filming was tedious, but went as planned. However, i'm still not entirely sure about the shots. Perhaps it's because we did so many names, or something. I'm not too sure of the reason.

Tomorrow we're filiming the final scenes at St. Pancras Church. Hopefully we should get all of the shots we need to begin editing on Tuesday.

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