Friday 16 January 2009

match cut exercise

Match cut exercise
On the Tuesday’s lesson myself and Lisa were not in the lesson because we had exam. Due to this we missed out the tutorial on match cut. However today we had a quick summary of what a match cut is.
Match cut: a shot which is taken externally/ internally then shot from the opposite side and is edited so that it looks smooth e.g. someone opening a door from one side and coming out the other side.
As 2 of the members were not in last lesson Laila who was in had joined another group, for this reason we didn’t have a planned out, shot-for-shot scene. Today we had to plan out a scene which had to follow the following brief:- film the following sequence, making sure to use at least one match cut, an example of a shot/reverse shot and showing your understanding of the 180 degree rule (by not breaking it )
The sequence which we had to do was this:
A character opens a door, walks into a room, sits down opposite another character and they share a few lines of dialogue.
After we had planned out our scene we went to film. This took a quite a long time due to getting the right height for the camera, making sure the location was clear of students going passed. Also as I was the character that was walking through the door made it also difficult because I kept on laughing. We had taken the match cut when I entered the room from the other side of the door and also from the side I was opening from. We then shot a close up of my trainers walking towards the seating area. After this we took shots for the over the shoulder, shot/ reverse shot. Also I do think we kept with the 180 degree rule.
While we were coming to the end of our filming we had realised that we should have recorded from one side all the way through then edited it later, and done the same with other shots. I think from this mistake we had done we should take it into consideration when we do the real one we should take all the shots from one angle in one go then from the other side.
We then had to upload our footage onto the apple Macs, as we haven’t put all our footage up we will all have to come to one of the workshops and finish it. This will be done on Tuesday, before our next lesson. hopefully next lesson and in the workshops we will be able to the editing for this exercise.

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