Tuesday 17 February 2009

Editing the Thriller

Yesterday, despite it being half term, Nasima, Layla and I went into college to continue editing our thriller.

We got a lot done, which I am pleased about - despite only having full effects on a few of the clips, we have got most of our sequence down, and have worked out the basics of how we're going to edit. We will spend every lunch time next week, and perhaps after college as well, finishing it.

Our Editing

The first 5 clips in the sequence are layered to create a fuzzy, dizzy effect - this was used to initially shock our viewers, and spark interest in our thriller. However, this effect soon fades into another sequence, in which only the clips of the outside are dizzy and distorted. This not only gives structure to our editing, but, as most of the outside clips feature churches, gravestones and trees - relatively normal images - we wanted the viewers to be aware that, in our thriller, they are not normal at all. They are used in the summoning process - they are used for evil, and therefore, should be seen accordingly. Churches and gravestones are usually a symbol of peace - peace in God, and peace in death. We had to try and squash this images by using these effects.

Many of our clips have solorized, negative and distorted colour effects, because, as well as keeping with the theme of Arlington Road, we also wanted to spark interest, and, as mentioned above, make the viewers aware that the clips used protraty evil, not peace. The title sequence of Arlington Road had clips of a normal, suburban street. However, the effects they have used, paired with the music, lets us viewers know that something strange is happening on this everyday street. We wanted to portray the same message with our clips.

I am more optimistic about our thriller now, and hope that we can finish editing by next week.

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