Tuesday 10 February 2009

last day of filming

Today I decide I will log and capture the rest of the footage on to the Apple Macs at lunch time, I done most of it. In the lesson we had we finished logging and capturing the footage we had left on the tape. Over the weekend Lisa filmed some footage with her own camera as she couldn’t borrow a camera from college. Some of the footage was good unfortunately it kept on going in and out of focus. We decided to go and film the last bit of footage. We filmed Lisa walking, drawing some lines and finally her showing the pentagram she has drawn. This had to be done really quickly as it was really cold and Lisa was wearing a corset which made her really cold. Time was taken up as well because the cameras charge went and so Layla had to run and get another one.
Tomorrow we are meeting up at lunch time to log and capture the rest of the footage and hopefully start editing.
i hope today was the last day of filming time to start editing

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