Tuesday 10 February 2009

Filming The Thriller Day 5

Finally we've finished filming!

Winter is not the most convenient month to film in - the college was closed due to snow, the weather was cold and it was raining on most of the days. We got there in the end, however, which i'm very happy about.

Today, after deciding that the film I took over the weeked (using not the highest quality of camera) wasn't quite right (the shots kept going in and out and focus, and it was a bit blurry due to the camera), we decided to quickly shoot again (which took up the entire rest of the lesson).

We found a spot of pavement, and reshot the scenes of me walking towards the camera, as well as drawing a few lines on the ground with chalk, and finally, revealing the pentagram. It was admittedly hard work. It was freezing cold and I started to go numb, but we had to push forward and finish. Also, the camera battery died, and we had not been given a replacement, so Layla had to rush back to the college to replace it, which ate greatly into our time.

However, after everything, we've finally got all of the shots we need. I can't wait to start editing, and hopefully turn our thriller into something great.

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