Tuesday 10 February 2009

Using Macs & Editing

That day i wasnt in but i was told that Mick had given tutorial lesson on how to us the macs to edit our pratise video. In that lesson i was told to go back to my orignal group but i thought it would be confusing as i took part in Karess group so i desided to help them edit. The next lesson i had came in for my group hadnt finished off there editting so i had to help our with the help of my group members Karess and Ufuk. Mike taught us how to upload our videos on to the software. When we did our video had looked very dark and it was difficult to even see our faces so our video came out not as well as we thought. We couldnt do nothing with the lighting as it was to late so we started cuting and pasteing the shots that we liked and got to put them in any where we thought would looked good. Editing using the mac was pretty diffecault but with the help of the teachers we got the hang of using the timeline and putting it what looked good. We had then added a sound track to out practise video which i think went well with our video. The music was up beat and fast pased which went with our theme of the game. In our sound track we added heart beat which shows there is alot of tension on the game being played. Our camera shots went apart from when we was panning because we had used a table to go around and so that came out quite shaky. That conventions that we had used was to create tension but eye on contact and hand movements which creates the suspense on the card game.

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