Saturday 4 April 2009

Media Evaluation

We had finally finished our thriller film as a group project. We had many conventions of thriller videos that we had used. As a class, we had watched clips from other thriller movies such as ‘Arlington Road’, ‘The Shinning’ and ‘28 days later’. From Arlington road we had took parts of the opening and had done a similar opening of ours. We choose the conventions of Arlington road because it seemed to look interesting and it had a good use of effects of lighting and negative. We took many ideas for example the blood from Arlington Road we had use that effect on ours were the bloods runs from the candle, this gives a thriller side of our thriller film.

For our thriller we had chosen to do a thriller/horror film about a young girl who is summoning the devil. We decided to link this story with a true story of Elizabeth Bathory and so decided to name our film Bathory .As for our setting, we had chosen to film it in a church park. We thought it would be a good way to make our film more thrilling. During filming decided to use hand held camera to give it that shaky effect which was in ‘Arlington Road’ while the young boy was walking.
The sound track we used was suspense full and dramatic sound track. We think that it went well with our mis-on scene. In ‘The Shinning’ there is many thrilling sound tracks through out the whole film this created a lot of tension and suspense so we tired to do something similar to that making the audience feels thrilled.

Our particular social group that we tired to aim for was for mainly all types of ages. We think that mainly young teenagers would watch it as the certification is 15 but can be for older ages over 30. As the main character is a female the gender that most likely to watch it is females. I think that our film is for any ethnicity and any class it is mostly aim at anyone who enjoys watching thriller films. Most males tend to watch a more action than just thriller films.

The type of media product institution that might be able to distribute our media product would be an internet release. The reason why I do not think it would be able to make it to Hollywood Blockbusters is that our story broad is quite short and simple. Most Hollywood blockbusters films had cost a lot of money to make for special effects but ours is very simple and most likely to be disliked. Seen as though we had a low budget and most Hollywood films have a large amount of budgets.

Who would be the audience for your media product

To attract and address audience in films they always use famous actors to play the leading role, which would attract audiences to watch the film. For example, ‘The Sixth Sense’ casts Bruce Willis this genre was a drama, mystery and thriller film. The film was advertised on TV adverts mostly between soaps, which most people are most likely to sit down and watch TV. Billboards on the main roads had the poster up and able to watch the trailer on the internet e.g pop ups and campaigns. For our film we could advertise it on the internet as it the most easies way of getting the audience attention by showing our trailer. We could also put it up on billboards and put up our trailer on sites such as Bebo, Myspace and Facebook where people are mostly go on.

I have learnt a few things form using technologies from the process of constructing our film. I found it enjoyable when I had helped using the camera been able to film what we wanted and what we did not. Also being able to set up the camera on the tripod and setting it to the angle we wanted to use. For some scenes we did not use the tripod and used hand held to give a thriller effect but we a bit default when the camera went out of focus. I learnt how to use close up and extreme close ups which I found it was not that hard but just needed to be accurate. I had filmed a couple of times but I was mainly directing what looked good or did not for example the shots we had used and where it’s a good shot to film. We had used software called Final Cut Pro to edit all our shots and put it in order we wanted it to go in. It was difficult editing our film because we had to think if it looked good to other people. I suggested a few ideas in putting what effects we should use while they had edited. When we finished out film we had watched it on a big screen in the cinema it looked very professional. Our thrillers were posted on Vimeo, which was a site that we uploaded all the thriller films.

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